old dog headshot

Your Aging Dog

We know that dogs age more quickly than us, but it’s not just 6 or 7 dog-years to one human-year. There are genetic traits that effect ageing – both in humans and dogs. Size determines life expectancy in dogs more than for us; a bigger breed will become a senior

dog socks

Dog shoes & other paw-wear

Dog shoes, boots (booties), socks and other protectors are all types of dog paw-wear. Sometimes designed only for improved grip on slippery surfaces, in other cases they are designed to protect your dog’s paws as well. What are the other differences between all these then? Dog shoes or booties/boots: These

dog skeleton

Arthritis in dogs

What is arthritis? Arthritis in our dogs is a painful and usually progressive debilitating condition that can be present in any bone joint. The name Arthritis comes from: athr- (meaning joint) and -itis (meaning inflammation). Arthritis can produce stiffness, joint pain in dogs, and a limited range of motion because

dog with food

Feeding Your Dog

Diet from day one Dogs have evolved as scavengers, hunters and opportunistic eaters. Their digestive systems are more robust than ours, in part because canine stomachs contain far more aggressive acids to effectively deal with tough foods and harmful pathogens. It has been found that as long ago as 7000

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Nutraceuticals: arthritis and cancer

Both arthritis and cancer are emotive subjects and a line is still drawn between conventional veterinary medicine and complementary or alternative treatments. Fortunately, many vets are happy to explore complementary and alternative remedies alongside conventional treatment. However, it may be some time yet in the UK before many nutraceuticals are